Welcome to Aside

Ever since I can remember, I was a reader. Even as a young kid age 6 or 7, I would infuriate my dad as he would see a glow of light under my bedroom door. At 11 pm he would catch me reading with a flashlight I had snuck into my bedroom. Did I mention I am also an insomniac? Guess these things start early – and they last a lifetime. They brand you. Well thank God for that. I get some of my best ideas at night.

In grade school I was the one who got the reading awards, won the spelling bees, preferred book reports over multiple choice tests; I wasn’t as good at guessing at facts – but I was really good at exploring and explaining ideas and stories.

So welcome to Aside, where ideas come at any time of the day or night, where articles and stories find their way from my experiences and ideas to an audience that includes you. Hope you enjoy the ride.